Monday, August 18, 2008


At the last moment we decided to go camping with our friend the Arnolds. It was a little crazy because we are also leaving on our vacation this week. However the kids loved it!!!!! It was really the first time Tim and I had been camping together. We borrowed a tent from my brother, which was surprisingly a lot bigger than what I expected. There was so much dirt, the kids were in heaven, I think we brought half of the camp site home with us and washed it down the shower drain. The kids played with each other the whole time and barely took time out for their parents! I got home and felt like I hadn't seen the kids because they had so much time with each other that they didn't hang out much with mom and dad. When we went to the water all of them wanted to throw rocks in the water, I think they spent hours doing that. Here is a video of the kids playing with a frisbee, but it didn't turn out so well for Harrison.

Train Museum

The kids went with my friends Kim and Christina to the Train Museum while I had an appointment. Of course they loved it!! I was a little jealous that I didn't get to go with them and watch them see everything, but Harrison told me all about it. "Mommy we saw the trains"

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Sacramento Zoo

We went today to the Sac Zoo, which is a pretty small zoo, but still large enough for the kids to enjoy. A couple of my girlfriends and I went together. Harrison would go to the zoo everyday if I would take him and if it were closer to us. On Monday i asked him what he wanted to do and his response was "go to the zoo" He really enjoys the zebras! Madeline still loves the giraffes and tigers. I thought I would share a picture of the kids and all their friends enjoying some crackers together at the zoo.

Here is my brother and I on the obstacle course with me in the grey shirt clearly in the lead.

Bounce Spot

On Monday Sandy, David, Harrison, Madeline, Austin and I went to the Bounce Spot by Aunt Sandy's house. This place is awesome, they have two seperate rooms to bounce in, one just for toddlers and then one for everyone. The kids loved it. We spent a good 3 hours there and we were completely worn out when we left. There was an obstacle course bounce house and my brother and I raced through, I of course beating him. They had a hugh slide. The first couple of times I would carry Madeline up, but she quickly told me that was enough and she could climb up the ladder by herself. She is growing up way to fast.

The Nevada County Fair

We went with my parents to the Nevada County Fair. It was so nice. It was 10x better than our fair. It was surrounded by these hugh trees and just has a great country feel to it. It had several horse shows that we watched. Harrison and Bailey rode on the horses. I did not think Harrison would because he is normally scared, but he loved it and is even that much more excited about about our trip to Ohio. He asks everyday if he can go see Grandpa Roy and he doesn't even really know that we are going there yet. (If we tell him in advance he doesn't like waiting) Anyhow's I only got picture of the kids while they were on the horses before my camera stopped working. Oh and at the end Tim and I were just wandering around and they had this contest to see who could best load a truck with hay. So they would load and unload this truck and Harrison just wanted to sit and watch this forever. Finally I got bored and it was late so we went home.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The last of the fair

Another day with more snakes painted on their arms.
And Papa ventured on the apple ride with the kids.
Lastly, I took video of the kids while on the apple ride. A feature I just started using on my camera and it acutally works pretty well.

OK, my princess Madeline wasn't always happy.

Harrison and Daddy got matching painted on snakes everytime we went to the fair.

More fair

Harrison and Madeline each had s snow cone, they definatley were not neat with them.

The Fair

Harrison and I at the rodeo.
The buffalo were part of the rodeo show.

This past week the fair was in town. I think we went almost everyday. The kids absolutely love seeing the animals. Harrison would wake up asking me to take him to see the sheep and goats and he would go to sleep talking about it. We were lucky we had passes to get into the fair everyday and to the main events, otherwise we probably would not have gone as much. On Thursday there was a rodeo, I took both the kids by myself as Tim was stuck at work. We arrived early because I thought it would start sooner than it did. Madeline got bored, so I called my parents who were also at the fair and they came and got her. But Harrison loved the rodeo. The little kids rode on sheep first and then the cowboys rode on the bulls. He enjoyed watching, but did not want to ride on them. Each day we looked at all the animals at least twice. Then when Daddy could finally join us Harrison and Madeline did the rides. They loved them, I'm not so much into them. But then went on them over and over. They had this area inside one of the air-conditioned buildings where they could pick apples, watermelon or corn and find potatoes in the sand. The kids played in there forever, their friend Joshua went with us on one of our many visits to the fair. Tim and I have decided we are going to make a sandbox out of a tire, it was so cute to watch them play.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Harrison singing to his sister

Here's Harrison singing Twinkle little star to his sister underneath the train table.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Another matching outfit

My mom made these outfit for the kids. They both love giraffes!

Harrison and his tractor full of hay

Here is Harrison picking his hay for the back of his tractor, he didn't have enough so he added some branches Daddy had cut off the tree.