Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Children put your shoes on!

I decided to take the kids to the local pool, so I told the kids to put on their shoes and what do I find, Madeline wearing none other than her snow shoes! And yes she wore them to the pool, and home and back out to WalMart later in the day. This is a girl, who argues with every shirt, pant, sock and shoe you put on her. She doesn't wear new shoes unless we argue about it and I force her to wear them to show her that they "aren't owie" and yet she puts on her snow boots which she wouldn't wear in the winter snow and on top of that they are a size too small. This is a girl who makes me cut out every single tag out of every piece of clothing because they are owie and only wore sweat pants are winter and she puts on shoes that are too small. We still have one pair of sandals she hasn't put on because she is convinced they will are "owie". She is hilarious when she is determined and there is no use arguing with her.
Harrison doesn't walk outside at all without shoes for fear of stepping on a rolly pollie. So he will throw on whatever is easiest and closest by. Here he put on Daddy's sandals. (No he wasn't allowed to wear them to the pool)
The joys of raising children and learning to be patient!!! It's exciting to think what our third one will bring to the mix we already have.

Here is Madeline very proud of her princess bathing suit and snow shoes!!! If she has her way she would only wear clothes with princesses or a horse on it! She is becoming quite the princess lately evening carrying around her own little purse with an assortment of horses in it.

Madeline and Harrison looking at a rolly pollie (which by the way Harrison has his sister pick up all the bugs as he doesn't want to touch them, so she picks them all up and puts them in his bug collector.) She comes running whenever he calls her to come get a bug. He tells the rolly pollies, ants, bugs, spiders and all the ones he can see good night everytime we come in at night and good morning on our first time out during the day. Generally this is not a fast process.

The kids enjoying a popsicle, Harrison in his rainboots.

Photo Class

So I have been taking a photography class so I can learn about my camera and take some better pictures. I have finally learned what kind of light to take a picture in. Here are some of my photos that I have been taking as homework and for fun.

My friend Christina and her daughters Riley and Baylee

My two playing on their swing set

My friend Jamie with her daughter Grace

Monday, May 11, 2009

Swimming in the backyard.

It is hot out today so I broke out the pool and the kids had a great time.

A trip to the Dentist

The kids went to the dentist for the first time today! Harrison did great. He didn't exactly sit in the chair, but he sat on my lap and let the hygentist clean his teeth. She said he had great teeth and the dentist took a look and no cavitites. He was delighted by the toy and sticker he got afterwards. Madeline was not as interested and refused to have her teeth clean. The dentist did take a look at her teeth and she also had no cavities! She loved her sticker and toy she got!

Harrison posing for a picture in the chair.

Madeline not having anything to do with the chair, not even for a picture.

Harrison in front on the no cavity club sign.

Friday, May 8, 2009

A Picnic at the park

The kids love going for a picnic at the park! At home they find every food possible from marshmallows to apples and fruit snacks to raisins to bring with in their picnic basket. Here are some photos of our picnic at the park.

Going on a lizard hunt!

On Easter Grandma gave Harrison and Madeline a bug catcher, which they then spent the rest of the day hunting for bugs. That evening Harrison called Uncle David and asked him if he would help him catch a lizard, unfortunately Uncle David had to work for the next several days, but on his first day off, (and after several requests by Harrison) Uncle David took the kids for a lizard hunt. He caught one right off the bat, and all three kids were very excited!!! Harrison named the liziard XYOA, Uncle David suggested Lizzy,but he went w/ X for short. The kids had a blast and completely enjoyed the day looking for lizards, however Uncle David's luck ran out and we only ended up with one lizard.

Uncle David handing over the prized lizard.

Three very excited kids!

Harrison, Madeline and Austin

Close up of X

Madeline helping Uncle David hunt!

Sitting with their lizard waiting for Uncle Dave to get more.

Uncle David and his muscles, I mean lizard!