Monday, September 8, 2008

Our trip to Ohio

The kids loved the farm life, I have a gazillion photos so it will be hard to just pick a few. Every morning Harrison and Madeline would wake up and want to feed the horses. He had to go say Hello to Daisy! (which he would tell you was his favorite, she is a pony) Madeline enjoyed all of them and sometimes I think Jake was her favorite. Harrison loved to feed and water them, but Madeline loved to touch and pet them. It wasn't until the last couple days that Harrison was willing to pet Daisy. So each morning they would go into the barn and go right to the hay and starting feeding the horses. Then they would help Grandma and Grandpa with the water buckets. However we never did get them in there to scoop poop, maybe next year. Every night they would go through the same process and say Good night to all the horses. Here's some pics.... with some more to follow later.....

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