Harrison sat down at his tool bench the other day to put together the bird house. He justs loves working with tools and was actually very good at it. He made sure to wear his saftey goggles and everything. He was very patient with putting each piece together. Then Madeline jumped in the fun and put on the googles. Later on she was caught sleeping in her room with the same goggles on. Saftey First!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Harrison makes a bird house
Harrison sat down at his tool bench the other day to put together the bird house. He justs loves working with tools and was actually very good at it. He made sure to wear his saftey goggles and everything. He was very patient with putting each piece together. Then Madeline jumped in the fun and put on the googles. Later on she was caught sleeping in her room with the same goggles on. Saftey First!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Madeline in the morning
Monday, November 10, 2008
Carving Pumkins
Pumkin Farm
Pumkin Farm

We went to the pumkin farm many times this year. I love it there. Most of the area is free so we went several times so the kids could enjoy new things for awhile. Here are several photos of our many trips. We went with Uncle David & Austin, we went with Aunt Sandy, we went with our friends and we went just by ourselves.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Somethings never change
Creative Kids

My Darling Madeline was just a little to quiet one morning. She finally came and found Daddy and told him she was messy. He turned around to find this. She had gotten into some costume lipstick in the bathroom and managed to get it everywhere.

wanted to sleep with his dog Barkey and all the other animals in the house inside his giraffe tent. Now if we could just get it to happen more often we would be in luck, but no avail and several of his animals have moved into our bed including, Barkey, Bark, Tweety, Brownie, Sousa, Pony(who is a horse) Lucky, Lucky again and several others. He is really actually very good at naming his animals and comes up with the names all by himself. But bedspace is getting smaller....
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Ohio fun!

Madeline and her favorite horse Jake!

Grandma helping Madeline sit on Jake!

Harrison and Madeline scooping poop!!

Harrison and Grandpa working!

Mommy, Harrison and Madeline go for a ride.
Although we were there for a short time the kids warmed up right away and had a great time with Grandma and Grandpa. Grandpa had some farming to do, so Harrison went with him wherever he went. Then he helped a neighbor and Harrison eagerly wanted to help with the front loader thing. Madeline was all about the horses. She would walk straight out to them and call to them. They would come to her, especially her favortie Jake. I was watching her and she just nuzzled with him. She actually gave him a kiss. They did not know I was there. That little girl generally never leaves her mom, but when we are on the farm she doesn't care if anyone is with her she just goes to the barn and talks with all the horses. Harrison loves the horses, but he doesn't like to get to close. He was with Grandma when she was cleaning them out and he said"If you had another rake I could help you" much to his delight, Grandma had several poop scoopers and they got to help clean up several times! (I was worried they were trying to demonstrate they could take care of a horse if we got them one, but thankfully they didn't ask)
Great Grandma Roy's 90th Birthday!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
More Disney

Here is a video of the kids! When you ask Madeline how old she is she always says 3! We tell her 2 and she says no 2 she's 3! So here is the kids discussing it!!! And lets hope my daughter doesn't always want to age by 2 years each birthday because she is already growing way to fast.