For Halloween Madeline was Snow White and Harrison was going to be a monkey, but half way through that broke so he was a cowboy on a horse. We started our day dressing up for school. The kids tried to trick or treat next door, but no one was home. So off to school we went where the kids had a great time just hanging out with all their friends. In the afternoon we stopped by the senior center and let the kids trick or treat there. Then we went to my friend's Christina house where she fed the kids dinner and we went out again. Daddy was coming home from his week long business trip so directly after trick or treating we went to the airport to pick him up.

Madeline in the morning
Harrison and Madeline trying to trick or treat early.

The kids at school reading a book.

Snow White and the Cowboy horse

Riley, Baylee, Joshua and Harrison getting ready to go out.

My crazy friends Christina and Kim.
Where's your costume? Where's a picture of you in a costume? I really like the pic of Maddie and Harrison next to the sidewalk. It looks like Madeline is waiting for her prince charming to come along.