Madeline and her favorite horse Jake!

Grandma helping Madeline sit on Jake!

Harrison and Madeline scooping poop!!

Harrison and Grandpa working!

Mommy, Harrison and Madeline go for a ride.
Although we were there for a short time the kids warmed up right away and had a great time with Grandma and Grandpa. Grandpa had some farming to do, so Harrison went with him wherever he went. Then he helped a neighbor and Harrison eagerly wanted to help with the front loader thing. Madeline was all about the horses. She would walk straight out to them and call to them. They would come to her, especially her favortie Jake. I was watching her and she just nuzzled with him. She actually gave him a kiss. They did not know I was there. That little girl generally never leaves her mom, but when we are on the farm she doesn't care if anyone is with her she just goes to the barn and talks with all the horses. Harrison loves the horses, but he doesn't like to get to close. He was with Grandma when she was cleaning them out and he said"If you had another rake I could help you" much to his delight, Grandma had several poop scoopers and they got to help clean up several times! (I was worried they were trying to demonstrate they could take care of a horse if we got them one, but thankfully they didn't ask)
I think you should get a miniature pony. The backyard is big enough. And the kids are just the right height to ride one.