December was a busy month for us. Benjamin turned six months old! He now weights 13lb 3 oz and is 25 inches tall. Still in the 3% for his weight and 25% for his height! He absolutely loves his brother and sister and is always watching them. They both have a knack for waking him when he has fallen asleep. Tim and I both had our birthdays to celebrate and then we also enjoyed one wonderful Christmas together. This was the year that Harrison and Madeline really knew what was coming and it was so much fun to watch them be so excited!! They all even sat with Santa Claus this year of course with Mommy right next to them. And Harrison is starting to talk about God, we explained to them that Christmas was the day that Jesus was born and why we celebrate Christmas, but he has also had his cousin teaching him. Unfortunately our gold fish died on Christmas day, and there are no fish stores open on Christmas day, so the kids noticed right away. Well Harrison was okay with that because he wanted Daddy to take the fish to God and he would make him alive again. Daddy wasn't ready to visit God just yet. Then Harrison goes on to explain how Jesus was killed then at Easter God made him alive again. Well its hard to argue with a 4 year old when he knows it all since his 6 year old cousin has told him. Finally Harrison and Madeline settled with letting daddy put him in the dirt just as long as he did not put him down the toilet. It really was very cute!

Harrison winking for the camera!
Benjamin enjoying playing the guitar with Daddy
Harrison and Madeline cutting the tops off of the carrots for the reindeer.
Madeline getting carrots for Santa and his reindeer.
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