Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Benjamin Earl Roy

Benjamin arrived on June 17th about 3 weeks early. He weighed 6lbs 14 oz. And is 19 inces long. He spent 4 days in the NICU. His breathing was a little slow due to the early birth. But he is doing great with no problems. Everyone is in love. Harrison loves to hold his baby brother and will hold him for an hour if he can. Madeline loves to be a big helper. She enjoys getting him his binky and singing to him when he cries. From the moment we brought him home every time Benjamin cries she sings him "Rock a Bye Baby." Harrison and Madeline both love it when I give them the opportunity to give Benjamin a bottle. He is sleeping and eating rather well, but his awake time is generally in the middle of the night.

Benjamin at the hospital on the 1st day.

Benjamin doing much better and off the CPAP oxygen.

Madeline helping Grandma with a bottle for Benjamin.

Home from the hospital, Harrison is anxious to hold Benjamin.

1 comment:

  1. My nephew is such a cutey-pie and Harrison and Madeline is such a good older brother and sister to him.
