Harrison is so into his tractors. When we drive anywhere we always point out every tractor, horse, cow or any animal. Madeline also loves to point out the tractors and say "tractor" in the sweetest voice several times until you acknowledge her and the tractor. Harrison can tell the difference between the combine and other tractors, which I probably couldn't do until I hit my 20's. So the other day we were driving, and I showed him the corn that was growing. He says to me "Mommy the combine will come and take the corn" I was shocked, he was right, but he hadn't learned it from me and my farming skills. I'm lucky I can show him corn. Then he sees the hay piled up in the fields, but he can't understand where the horses are and how come they aren't eating it yet. We had a pretty long conversation on that drive home. He then went on how his grandparents had horses and he wanted to go see them, and feed and ride their horses and see the tractors. He then wanted to go right that minute. When we told him he had to go on an airplane to see them, he looked out the window and showed us a plane that was in a landing patter. So then we told him we would need to pack for the trip and he says lets get our luggage. There was no winning this one with him he was ready to go.
Every person he sees with a cowboy hat he points to them and calls them a farmer. I bought Madeline this cute straw hat for one of her outfits and he always calls it her farmer hat. So the other day I ran into the store to buy Madeline a hat while the kids and Tim sat in the car. Harrison asked Tim where I went and he told him to get a hat. He was all excited and asked if it was a farmer hat, when Tim told him no, he so "oh just a Maddie hat"
Every person he sees with a cowboy hat he points to them and calls them a farmer. I bought Madeline this cute straw hat for one of her outfits and he always calls it her farmer hat. So the other day I ran into the store to buy Madeline a hat while the kids and Tim sat in the car. Harrison asked Tim where I went and he told him to get a hat. He was all excited and asked if it was a farmer hat, when Tim told him no, he so "oh just a Maddie hat"
In the backyard he has tractor that is motorized. He is always driving it around. It has a wagon in the back, one day Tim was picking weeds and Harrison would pick them up and put them in the back. He calls it his hay. When Daddy empties the hay wagon, he requests we pick more weeds so he can have hay in his wagon. Here is an old picture of the tractor.

I'm pretty sure that's Maddie driving the tractor not Harrison. How'd he win a chauffeurred trip?