Harrison doesn't walk outside at all without shoes for fear of stepping on a rolly pollie. So he will throw on whatever is easiest and closest by. Here he put on Daddy's sandals. (No he wasn't allowed to wear them to the pool)
The joys of raising children and learning to be patient!!! It's exciting to think what our third one will bring to the mix we already have.
Here is Madeline very proud of her princess bathing suit and snow shoes!!! If she has her way she would only wear clothes with princesses or a horse on it! She is becoming quite the princess lately evening carrying around her own little purse with an assortment of horses in it.
Madeline and Harrison looking at a rolly pollie (which by the way Harrison has his sister pick up all the bugs as he doesn't want to touch them, so she picks them all up and puts them in his bug collector.) She comes running whenever he calls her to come get a bug. He tells the rolly pollies, ants, bugs, spiders and all the ones he can see good night everytime we come in at night and good morning on our first time out during the day. Generally this is not a fast process.